We will capitalise on what we can already do with inspiration from original works by various 20th century calligraphers with their refined and uncomplicated works from when calligraphy was enjoying a revival. With so many different tools, techniques and decorative elements nowadays it’s not easy to know when to stop. We will apply basic elements of design, good lettering to achieve sophisticated and stylish pieces, making the most of the calligraphy. For everyone, it’s always good to go back to basics, but with more experience you’ll learn a quicker route to making better and more informed design decisions. We will be send images of our work to Josie so they can all be looked at together.
Saturday 27 April 2024 from 10am – 12pm and 1.30 – 2.30pm
Cost £30.00 (members £25.00)
Please note this workshop is on zoom and a recording will be available for 4 weeks after the workshop for attendees only.
This workshop is suitable for all levels.
To book a place go to Eventbrite or email Meg our workshop coordinator.