CLAS – Live Online

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CLAS live online courses have been developed as a way for you to access online classes designed and delivered by a CLAS accredited tutor.

The first tranche is designed to help you submit work for the Certificate of Calligraphy which is the first rung on the Ladder of Progress with CLAS. It would also be suitable for beginners looking to learn or improve the script itself and you don’t need to be a member of CLAS to take part (though the courses are only £40 for members).

To begin with there are 5 courses in 4 scripts – Formal Italic, Foundational Hand, Angled-Pen Uncial, Copperplate Lower Case and Copperplate Upper Case. Each course is 2 x 2-hour zoom classes, held 2 weeks apart.

For more info, and to watch a short video about the Certificate of Calligraphy and some free video guides, check out the CLAS Online Live pages
